5 Toothbrushing Blunders to Avoid According to Dentist Wausa | 68786 Dentist

Are you confident in your toothbrushing technique, or could you be unknowingly making mistakes that compromise your oral health? Let’s dive into five common errors to ensure your brushing routine is as effective as possible, as recommended by Dentist Wausa.

  1. Timing Matters: Are you brushing immediately after enjoying a sugary or acidic beverage? Hold off! Brushing too soon after consuming these drinks can actually harm your enamel. Instead, rinse your mouth with water and wait at least 30 minutes to an hour before brushing to allow your enamel to remineralize.
  2. Personal Toothbrush Policy: Sharing might be caring in some situations, but not when it comes to toothbrushes. Sharing toothbrushes can transfer germs and illnesses via oral contact. Ensure each family member has their own toothbrush, labeled or stored separately, to prevent mix-ups.
  3. Keep Your Distance from the Toilet: Did you know that flushing a toilet can spread bacteria into the air? To avoid contamination, store your toothbrush as far away from the toilet as possible. Consider using a toothbrush cover for added protection.
  4. Don’t Rinse Right Away: Many toothpaste brands contain fluoride, which helps strengthen tooth enamel. However, rinsing immediately after brushing can wash away the fluoride before it has a chance to work its magic. Instead, spit out the excess toothpaste without rinsing to allow the fluoride to stay on your teeth longer.
  5. Avoid Over-Brushing: While brushing frequently is important, over-brushing can actually wear down your enamel and damage your gums. Focus on thorough brushing of all tooth surfaces rather than aggressive brushing. Dentist Wausa recommends using gentle, circular motions to effectively clean your teeth.

Remember, proper brushing and flossing are essential for maintaining good oral health, but regular visits to our dentist in Wausa for professional dental care are equally important. If you have any questions or want to schedule your next dental appointment, don’t hesitate to contact our office. Your smile deserves the best care possible!

Family First Dental – Wausa
Phone: (402) 586-2611
102 South Lincoln Street
Wausa, NE 68786

Essential Tongue Care Tips from Family 1st Dental – Wausa | Dentist Near Me

Are you giving your tongue the attention it deserves in your oral care routine? While teeth and gums often steal the spotlight, neglecting your tongue can lead to oral health issues. At Family 1st Dental – Wausa, we prioritize comprehensive oral care, including the often-overlooked tongue. Here are four essential tips for maintaining a healthy tongue:

  1. Optimal Oral Hygiene: Just like your teeth, your tongue needs regular cleaning. Incorporate tongue brushing into your daily routine, preferably during your morning and evening brushing sessions. Additionally, consider using a tongue scraper to effectively remove any buildup and bacteria. Our team at Family 1st Dental – Wausa can recommend the best oral hygiene practices tailored to your specific needs.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can affect the moisture levels of your tongue, leading to discomfort and potential oral health issues. Ensure you drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to keep your tongue hydrated and wash away food particles and bacteria. Proper hydration also plays a role in preventing bad breath, promoting overall oral health.
  3. Healthy Diet, Healthy Tongue: What you eat directly impacts the health of your tongue. Incorporate nutrient-rich foods into your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and dairy products rich in calcium. Minimize the consumption of sugary and processed foods, as they can contribute to oral health problems. At Family 1st Dental – Wausa, we emphasize the importance of nutrition in maintaining optimal oral health.
  4. Regular Dental Visits: Scheduling biannual dental check-ups and cleanings at Family 1st Dental – Wausa is crucial for preserving the health of your tongue, teeth, and gums. During these visits, our experienced dental team will thoroughly examine your oral health, including the condition of your tongue. We’ll collaborate with you to develop a personalized oral health plan to address any concerns and maintain your bright, healthy smile.

Don’t overlook the importance of tongue care in your oral hygiene routine. Implement these four tips to ensure your tongue stays healthy, promoting overall oral wellness. Contact Family 1st Dental – Wausa today to learn more about proper oral care practices or to schedule your next appointment. Your tongue will thank you for it!

Family First Dental – Wausa
Phone: (402) 586-2611
102 South Lincoln Street
Wausa, NE 68786

Unlocking the Truth Behind Sports Drinks and Energy Drinks | Wausa Dentist

Sports drinks are often marketed as essential for maintaining energy levels during physical activities, thanks to their electrolyte content. However, despite their popularity, it’s crucial to understand that these beverages may not be as healthy as they seem. Similarly, energy drinks like Monster and Rockstar, known for their stimulating effects, are also commonly consumed as alternatives to water. But what’s often overlooked are the adverse effects these drinks can have on dental health.

Did you know that up to 62 percent of children and between 30 and 50 percent of teenagers in the United States consume at least one sports drink daily? With such widespread consumption, it’s vital to recognize the potential harm these beverages pose to teeth. Both sports and energy drinks are notorious for their high sugar content and acidity, which can wreak havoc on dental enamel in as little as five days of regular consumption.

The damage inflicted by sports and energy drinks on oral health is substantial. The acidity and sugar in these beverages can erode tooth enamel, leading to increased risk of cavities and tooth decay. Continuous exposure to the acidity and sugar, especially during exercise when athletes frequently sip on these drinks, further exacerbates the problem, leaving teeth vulnerable to decay and sensitivity.

While sports and energy drinks may seem like convenient hydration options, there are healthier alternatives to safeguard your oral health. Opting for water as your primary source of hydration is the best way to promote oral health and prevent the negative effects associated with sports and energy drinks. If you do indulge in these beverages occasionally, consider rinsing your mouth with water afterward and avoiding immediate tooth brushing, as this can further damage weakened enamel.

Furthermore, it’s essential to scrutinize the ingredient labels of sports and energy drinks, steering clear of those with high acidity and sugar content, particularly if you already have existing dental issues. Remember, maintaining oral health is integral to preserving a radiant smile and overall well-being. Don’t hesitate to consult your Wausa dentist for personalized preventive care tailored to your oral health needs. By making informed choices and prioritizing oral hygiene, you can enjoy lasting dental health and a bright smile for years to come.

Family First Dental – Wausa
Phone: (402) 586-2611
102 South Lincoln Street
Wausa, NE 68786

Dealing with a Chipped Tooth: Solutions to Restore Your Smile | Dentist Wausa

Discovering a chipped piece of your tooth can be unsettling, whether it’s from biting into hard candy or clenching your teeth at night. While enamel is incredibly resilient, it does have its limits. However, there’s no need to panic if you’ve chipped a tooth. At Family 1st Dental in Wausa, we offer several solutions to restore your smile and confidence.

Tooth Bonding

Tooth bonding is a versatile procedure that effectively repairs chipped teeth. It’s a straightforward process that doesn’t require numbing, making it a comfortable option for many patients. Our skilled dental team utilizes bonding materials and porcelain that seamlessly blend with your natural teeth, ensuring your smile looks flawless once again.

Dental Crown

A dental crown, also known as a cap, not only enhances the appearance of your tooth but also provides essential protection. Our American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) dentists specialize in crafting tooth-colored crowns from high-quality porcelain or zirconia, ensuring they perfectly match your existing teeth. Whether you need a full or partial crown, we tailor the solution to suit your unique dental needs.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain laminate veneers offer a transformative solution for chipped teeth. Composed of thin layers of ceramic, these veneers are bonded to the tooth’s surface with a specialized adhesive, effectively replacing the original enamel. With porcelain veneers, your tooth can regain its natural appearance and strength, giving you a radiant smile once more.

If you’ve experienced a chipped tooth and are seeking professional guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our office today. Our dedicated team at Family 1st Dental is here to provide comprehensive information on these restoration methods and assist you in scheduling a consultation. Let us help you regain your smile and confidence with personalized dental care tailored to your needs.

Family First Dental – Wausa
Phone: (402) 586-2611
102 South Lincoln Street
Wausa, NE 68786

How Long Does a Temporary Crown Last? Insights from Family 1st Dental – Wausa | Dentist Near Me

If you’ve recently undergone root canal therapy with Dr. Ben Aitken at Family 1st Dental – Wausa, chances are you have a temporary crown in place while awaiting the creation of your permanent crown. While it’s natural to want to minimize trips to the dentist, it’s essential to understand the lifespan of your temporary crown to maintain optimal oral health.

So, how long can you expect your temporary crown to last? Well, the duration varies depending on several factors. Typically, the permanent crown is fitted within a few weeks to a month after the initial procedure. This allows adequate time for healing and the fabrication of your custom crown by our skilled lab technicians. However, if Dr. Ben Aitken recommends additional dental procedures, the placement of the final crown may be delayed.

What if your temporary crown remains in place for longer than the advised timeframe? Extended wear can lead to significant wear and tear on the crown, potentially causing changes in tooth position and occlusion. To avoid complications, it’s crucial to follow Dr. Ben Aitken’s guidance regarding the lifespan of your temporary crown based on its placement and your oral habits.

While it may be tempting to postpone the placement of your permanent crown, it’s essential to prioritize your oral health. Even if your temporary crown appears to be holding up well beyond the recommended period, it’s advisable to schedule an appointment with Dentist Wausa at Family 1st Dental – Wausa. Dr. Ben Aitken can assess the condition of your temporary crown and provide further guidance to ensure the longevity of your dental restoration.

If you have any questions or concerns about your temporary crown or need to schedule an appointment for your root canal therapy, don’t hesitate to contact Family 1st Dental – Wausa at (402) 586-2611. Your oral health is our top priority, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Family First Dental – Wausa
Phone: (402) 586-2611
102 South Lincoln Street
Wausa, NE 68786

Ensuring Optimal Oral Health: Identifying the Symptoms of Periodontal Disease | Dentist in Wausa

At Family 1st Dental – Wausa, we prioritize your family’s oral health, and understanding the signs of periodontal disease is crucial for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, can have serious implications for your oral health if left untreated. Let’s delve into the symptoms of this condition so you can take proactive steps to safeguard your smile.

  1. Bleeding Gums: One of the initial indicators of periodontal disease is bleeding gums, especially while brushing or flossing. This occurs due to gum inflammation, making them prone to bleeding.
  2. Swollen or Tender Gums: If you notice your gums are swollen or tender, it might be a sign of periodontal disease. The inflammation associated with the condition can cause discomfort and sensitivity in your gums.
  3. Persistent Bad Breath: Chronic bad breath, or halitosis, can stem from bacterial buildup in the mouth. In cases of periodontal disease, bacteria accumulate in the pockets between teeth and gums, leading to foul breath.
  4. Receding Gums: As periodontal disease advances, it can result in gum recession, where gums pull away from the teeth. This exposes tooth roots, increasing sensitivity and other potential complications.
  5. Loose or Shifting Teeth: Progressive bone and tissue damage caused by periodontal disease can lead to teeth becoming loose or shifting positions. If you notice changes in your teeth’s stability, it could indicate underlying gum issues.
  6. Presence of Pus: In severe cases, periodontal disease may manifest as the presence of pus between teeth and gums, signaling a serious infection requiring immediate attention.

If you observe any of these symptoms, it’s vital to schedule an appointment with Dentist Wausa promptly. Our expert team can evaluate your oral health and recommend appropriate treatments to halt further damage and enhance your overall oral well-being.

Treatment options may include scaling and root planing, a deep cleaning procedure to eliminate plaque and tartar, or, in advanced cases, surgical intervention to address extensive damage.

In summary, periodontal disease demands timely intervention and treatment to preserve your oral health. By recognizing its signs and seeking professional care, you can safeguard your smile and prevent complications. Remember to maintain regular dental check-ups and practice good oral hygiene habits at home to uphold optimal oral health. Contact our dental office today to schedule an appointment and prioritize your family’s dental wellness with Family 1st Dental – Wausa.

Family First Dental – Wausa
Phone: (402) 586-2611
102 South Lincoln Street
Wausa, NE 68786

Is Gum Good for Your Oral Health? The Surprising Answer! | Dentist in 68786

Chewing gum is a popular habit for many people, and it has been around for centuries. While some people chew gum for the flavor, others do it to freshen their breath or simply to pass the time. But the question is, is gum good for your oral health?

The answer is yes, but with a caveat. Sugar-free gum can actually be beneficial for your oral health because it stimulates the production of saliva, which helps to neutralize the acid in your mouth and wash away food particles and bacteria. This, in turn, can help prevent cavities and tooth decay.

However, not all types of gum are created equal. Gum that contains sugar can actually have the opposite effect and be harmful to your teeth. The sugar in the gum can feed the bacteria in your mouth, leading to the production of acid that erodes your tooth enamel and causes cavities.

When choosing gum, it’s important to look for those that are sugar-free and contain xylitol, a natural sweetener that has been shown to reduce the risk of cavities. Xylitol works by inhibiting the growth of the bacteria that cause cavities and helping to neutralize the acid in your mouth.

Another benefit of chewing gum is that it can help to freshen your breath. This is because it stimulates the production of saliva, which helps to wash away the bacteria that cause bad breath. Additionally, many types of gum contain flavorings and essential oils such as mint or cinnamon, which can also help to freshen your breath.

While chewing gum can be beneficial for your oral health, it’s important to remember that it’s not a substitute for proper oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist regularly are still essential for maintaining good oral health.

In conclusion, chewing sugar-free gum can actually be good for your oral health because it stimulates the production of saliva, which helps to neutralize the acid in your mouth and wash away food particles and bacteria. However, it’s important to choose gum that is sugar-free and contains xylitol to avoid the risk of cavities. And as always, proper oral hygiene is crucial for maintaining good oral health. So, go ahead and chew that gum, but make sure it’s the right kind!

Family First Dental – Wausa
Phone: (402) 586-2611
102 South Lincoln Street
Wausa, NE 68786

Effective Prevention for Healthier Smile | Dentist Near Me

Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease for children and adolescents. About ¼ of children and more than half of teens currently have this illness. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 90% of adults over age 20 have some amount of tooth-root decay. However, tooth decay is highly preventable. By providing effective dental care during childhood, better long-term oral health may be achieved. 

Here are some practices that can help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues at every age: 


Brush teeth twice each day with a soft-bristled brush. Clean your tongue gently with your toothbrush or a tongue scraper. Use fluoride toothpaste to help strengthen enamel. Children should use only toothpastes designed for kids’ use. Replace toothbrushes every 2-3 months. 

Clean between teeth daily. Use dental floss or another interdental cleaner. Talk to your hygienist for a recommendation and instructions for effective use. 


Eat healthy foods and limit sugary and acidic foods. Drink plenty of water. 


A recent study on the effectiveness of sealants was published jointly by the American Dental Association (ADA) and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD). They found that sealants can prevent up to 80% of tooth decay in permanent molars when used for children and teens. Adults may see similar benefits from use, as well. Additionally, no adverse effects have been reported with use of sealants on patients of any age. Talk to our dentist about whether dental sealants may help you prevent tooth decay. 


Fluoridation of public water has been listed by the CDC as one of the great achievements in public health in the 20th century. Studies have shown tooth decay in children who have fluoridated water sources is reduced by up to 40%. If you have concerns about tooth enamel weakness or if you live in an area without fluoridated water, ask our dentist whether supplemental fluoride may be right for you. 

Dental Care 

Visit our office for a professional cleaning and thorough exam at least twice each year, or as instructed. Seek treatment right away if issues are identified. 

Effective preventive care saves time and money and can help ensure a lifetime of healthy, beautiful smiles. For more information about tooth decay prevention, contact our office.

Family First Dental – Wausa
Phone: (402) 586-2611
102 South Lincoln Street
Wausa, NE 68786

Creating a Healthy Smile for Life | 68786 Dentist

Good oral health is an important part of overall health and wellbeing. As a parent, it’s important to instill good oral health habits in your children from a young age. Teaching children good oral health habits can help them maintain a healthy mouth and smile throughout their lives. 

To start, it’s important to create a good oral hygiene routine for your children. This should include brushing and flossing their teeth twice a day. Make sure to use toothpaste with fluoride. Fluoride helps to prevent cavities and other tooth decay. You can also use a timer to help your children brush for the full two minutes. 

It’s also important to help your children learn the importance of healthy eating. Eating a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables helps to keep teeth healthy. Avoiding sugary snacks and drinks can also help to prevent cavities. Sugary snacks and drinks can cause bacteria in the mouth to produce acid, which can lead to tooth decay. 

It’s also important to schedule regular dental visits for your children. Seeing a dentist regularly is key to keeping your child’s teeth healthy. During these visits, the dentist will be able to identify any problems and provide advice about how to keep your child’s teeth healthy. 

In addition to the above, it’s important to discuss the importance of oral health with your children. Talk to them about the importance of brushing and flossing properly and regularly. You can also use books and other materials to help your children understand why oral health is so important. 

Finally, it’s important to model good oral health habits for your children. If your children see you brushing and flossing regularly and eating healthy foods, they will be more likely to follow your lead. It’s also important to show them the importance of visiting the dentist regularly. 

Overall, instilling good oral health habits in your children is important. It can help them maintain a healthy mouth and smile throughout their lives. To get started, create an oral hygiene routine for your children and help them learn the importance of healthy eating. Make sure to schedule regular dental visits and discuss the importance of oral health with your children. 

Finally, be sure to model good oral health habits for your children. Doing so will help ensure that your children have a healthy smile for years to come. Contact our office today to schedule your child’s next appointment.

Family First Dental – Wausa
Phone: (402) 586-2611
102 South Lincoln Street
Wausa, NE 68786

Understanding the Relationship Between Acid Levels and Tooth Decay | Dentist in Wausa

Acid levels in the mouth can have a major impact on the likelihood of developing tooth decay. When the acid levels in the mouth are too high, it can cause the enamel of the teeth to become weakened, leading to the development of cavities. When the acid levels in the mouth are too low, it can lead to tooth demineralization, creating the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive. Understanding the relationship between acid levels and tooth decay can help you take steps to prevent the condition. 

The mouth is a slightly acidic environment, but the acidity of the mouth can fluctuate depending on the foods and drinks you consume. Highly acidic foods and drinks, such as soft drinks, citrus fruits, and sports drinks, can cause the acid levels in the mouth to spike. When the acid levels in the mouth are too high, it can weaken the enamel of the teeth, making them more susceptible to cavity formation. 

In addition to acidic foods and drinks, the bacteria that naturally inhabit the mouth can also increase the acid levels in the mouth. Bacteria produce acids as part of their metabolic processes, and some bacteria are more acid-producing than others. Streptococcus mutans is a common acid-producing bacteria that is responsible for the development of tooth decay. The presence of too many of these bacteria in the mouth can cause the acid levels in the mouth to rise, leading to the formation of cavities. 

The saliva in the mouth also plays a role in regulating the acid levels in the mouth. Saliva helps to buffer the acidity in the mouth and neutralize the acids produced by bacteria. When the saliva is not able to do its job, the acid levels in the mouth can rise, leading to the weakening of the enamel and the development of cavities. 

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing tooth decay due to high acid levels in the mouth. Brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste can help remove the bacteria and food particles that can contribute to an increase in acid levels in the mouth. You should also floss your teeth daily to remove any plaque buildup that can cause an increase in the acid levels in the mouth. Finally, you should limit your consumption of acidic foods and drinks and drink plenty of water throughout the day to help keep the acid levels in the mouth balanced. 

By taking steps to reduce the acid levels in the mouth, you can help protect your teeth from tooth decay. Understanding the relationship between acid levels and tooth decay can help you take the necessary steps to prevent the condition. For more information, please contact our office to schedule an appointment.

Family First Dental – Wausa
Phone: (402) 586-2611
102 South Lincoln Street
Wausa, NE 68786

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Dentist Wausa

5 Toothbrushing Blunders to Avoid According to Dentist Wausa | 68786 Dentist

Are you confident in your toothbrushing technique, or could you be unknowingly making mistakes that compromise your oral health? Let’s dive into five common errors to ensure your brushing routine is as effective as possible, as recommended by Dentist Wausa. […]

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Essential Tongue Care Tips from Family 1st Dental – Wausa | Dentist Near Me

Are you giving your tongue the attention it deserves in your oral care routine? While teeth and gums often steal the spotlight, neglecting your tongue can lead to oral health issues. At Family 1st Dental – Wausa, we prioritize comprehensive […]

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Unlocking the Truth Behind Sports Drinks and Energy Drinks | Wausa Dentist

Sports drinks are often marketed as essential for maintaining energy levels during physical activities, thanks to their electrolyte content. However, despite their popularity, it’s crucial to understand that these beverages may not be as healthy as they seem. Similarly, energy […]

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